Technology Education is a vast and open field of study.

As exciting as EdTech is, it can be frustrating at times, especially when you do not get the chance to master certain skills that were introduced before something new pops up.  Sometimes, I get left behind in this ever changing world.  There are a number of challenges within EdTech, however, a few of my greatest challenges are:

  • Keeping up-to-date with the rapid change.
  • Being able to incorporate technology within the classroom in all subject areas to facilitate the main purpose, so that growth can be achieved by both the students as well as myself.
  •  Effectively manage appropriate technology, so that the subject(s) objective(s) can be achieved.
  • Not obtaining the proper training to achieve maximum results.

With the rapid changes that are seen within our technological world, a few of my go to places for help with these challenges are:

  • YouTube and Google – for instruction on its usage.  Whenever, there are new apps or resources available, I use these websites to self teach and also to build on what is common between new introductions and those similar to those already expose to.
  • EdTech Experts – people who I know personally and are certified in this area are always my to go resources for concepts unclear or ideas on how I can use certain resources.  I also seek support for my colleagues during training sessions, so that future lesson can be planned for effectively.

Trusting reliable sources are of utmost importance, as there are a lot of things to consider when using technology: safety, awareness and ethical.  No one wants to be hacked, be incompetent or lack confidence in the delivery of a lesson.  I trust personal EdTech experts within and also outside my organization, my students’ input and/or suggestion after carefully evaluation, selected Google search engines and YouTube videos (after evaluating the content presented).